OCR'd Text:
sien Say Mary K. iiffeet of workmen’s compensation laws in diminish- ing r the ne cessity of industrial employment of women and children, by Mary KX. Conyngton. December, 1917. W ashington, Govt. “print. off., 1918 170 p. inel. tables, 234°", (Bulletin of the United States Bureau of labor statistics, whole no, 217, Workmen's insuratce and compensation series, no, 11) At head of title: U.S, Department of labor. Gureau of labor statistics, Royal Meeker, Be corlenes ory issued also as Hause doe. 58. U, S., 65th Cong,, Ist sess, 1, Pewnloyers liability—-U, &. ih, veareaen Saripen anal U. Sy 2. Ws sman~ Employment—U, $, 3, Children—-Employment—U, 8. i, U.S. Bureau of labor statistica, 11. Title. MD Tle UY, 1, 12-9 Library, U.S, Dept. of Labor BeeeeSe4e no, 217
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